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October 18, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Battling Our Fears

In Parshat Shoftim we read about the individual who was preparing for battle. In describing such a person the Torah writes, “When you do battle

Achieving True Wealth by Giving

Rabbi Sorotzkin runs the organization Lev L’Achim in Eretz Yisrael, an organization specializing in being mekarev (bringing closer to Judaism) those who don’t have a

Kosher World

At the core of Jewish identity lies kosher dietary laws and kosher eating. Almost every “identified” Jew maintains some minimal standard of a kosher diet.

It’s Talking to You

This parsha begins with Moshe Rabbeinu providing an outstanding motivation intended to re-focus our goals and pursuits in life: “See that I place before you

The ‘Little Things’ Count

Joe Wallis was a very successful weapons and aircraft dealer. He was once giving a tour of his facility to a prospective purchaser, a representative

Reframing Life With Bitachon

Last week we discussed the idea of having an emotional emunah: Understanding emotionally, and feeling strongly that Hashem is the only One in complete control

A World Without Awe

Worrying about a possible religious erosion once he is retired, Moshe exhorts the Jewish people toward the trait of yirat shamayim. He presents this trait

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