September 7, 2024
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September 7, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Baruch Hashem

When people ask “How are you doing?” we typically reply “Baruch Hashem.” One might assume that this readily translates into “Thank God.” However, based upon

Moshe as Father and Gentile Intersect

The long-awaited moment has finally arrived…almost. For more than 2,000 years, humanity drifted aimlessly in a religious void. Torah had yet to descend to this

“Torah is the Essence of Life”

“Living the Daf,” Celebrated at Dirshu Convention Grand Melava Malka as the March to World Siyum Continues “Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz said, ‘Torah is not

A Grandfather’s Crown

The following was presented on Father-Son Learning Day at Yeshiva Heichal HaTorah, delivered to the students of his grandson, Rabbi Zev Senter. Sixty years ago,

Beshalach and The Gathering

The triumph at the Red Sea was convincing and final. Watching their former taskmasters washing up on the jagged banks of the ocean convinced the

Bo: The Importance of Jewish Culture

Moshe’s initial daring message of redemption went unheeded by the Jewish population. The Torah describes the national state of kotzer ru’ach and avoda kasha; the

Parshas Bo: Externals Matter

Someone once wrote a letter to the great Rav Moshe Feinstein, asking him if individuals should remove their yarmulkes when walking into places of questionable

Parshat Bo: Psychological Redemption

Imagine it’s December 1932, and you’re preparing to light Chanukah candles in Kiel, Germany, where, across the street, stands the headquarters of the Nazi Party.

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