Vayishlach: Yaakov’s Historical Roadmap
Toward the end of the first century, at least two delegations of Jewish leaders traveled to Rome to plead the case of the weakened Jewish
Toward the end of the first century, at least two delegations of Jewish leaders traveled to Rome to plead the case of the weakened Jewish
My friend’s father was a paratrooper in the Israeli army during the Six-Day War. He was dropped off in middle of the desert with orders
Throughout Bereishit, we are intrigued by various stories of lies and deception. Many of these stories involve our revered patriarchs and matriarchs. What do we
When you’re a father in a house mostly filled with girls, you put on the fixer-man hat quite often. Last week I was Baruch the
Many dramatic and heroic personalities dominate the stories of Bereishit. Parshat Toldot showcases a secondary character known as Avimelech, the king of the sea-faring Plishtim.
As many of you know, I almost never write up my sermons. This week a number of people asked for my remarks, so this is
When visiting friends, I remarked that their main floor looked like it had quite a makeover. The wife laughed, saying there was a funny story
So now, my son, heed my voice and arise; flee to my brother Lavan, to Charan (Bereishit 27:43). Unlike Pharaoh, who declared death upon Jewish
Va-yidom Aharon. And Aharon was silent. The halachic attitude to tragedy has been characterized by Aharon’s paradigmatic response to the unfathomable death of his two
(reprinted from theyeshivaworld.com) The horrific tragedy in a Conservative synagogue in Pennsylvania Shabbos morning that left 11 people dead should cause us, perhaps, to rethink
With the summer season now firmly in the rearview mirror, it is a good time to think back on all we have done over the
A popular hobby in Israel—one that bridges many different societal sectors—is a hike through the land, otherwise known as a “tiyul.” Often, a tiyul provides