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October 26, 2024
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Divrei Torah

Rabbi Yirmeya’s Open Questions

In Bava Batra 83a, Rabbi Yirmeya raises two dilemmas. Shmuel had earlier specified a distance between a set of three trees to be considered one

Lashon HaTov

The current discord and rifts within Klal Yisrael pose a huge challenge, undermining our fundamental identification as “goy echad ba’aretz —one nation in the land,”and

Get Involved

I have been attending summer camp for over three decades. I have been a camper, masmid, office boy, junior counselor, counselor, learning rebbe, head waiter,

Generation Appreciation

Our parsha states: “An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter the congregation of Hashem, to eternity, because of the fact that they did not greet

Ammon and Moav

We first met Ammon and Moav in Sefer Bereishis (19:36-38), had a rough encounter with Moav in Sefer Bamidbar (22:2-4, 25:1-3), were told in Sefer

Zera Shimshon on Parshas Ki Teitzei

לא יבא עמוני ומואבי בקהל ידוד גם דור עשירי לא יבא להם בקהל ידוד עד עולם: על דבר אשר לא קדמו אתכם בלחם ובמים בדרך

Hanging and Using Hammocks on Shabbat

לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: I want to buy a hammock and am considering two types: One is attached to

Lessons in Parenting

Parshas Ki Seitzei speaks of the “ben sorer u’moreh—the rebellious child.” This rebellious child became so caught up in his gluttonous ways that he stopped

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