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September 25, 2024
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Bar Mitzvah of Sam and Ben Richman

Sam and Ben Richman celebrated their bar mitzvah on 22 Shevat, Parshat Yitro (February 17-18, 2017) at Congregation Beth Abraham, in Bergenfield. Rabbi Moshe Tzvi

This Passover, Free Your Mind

There is a well-known tension at the heart of the Passover holiday. The Haggadah contains a debate about whether the story of the Exodus is

Bava Batra 54

May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel Ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h.   Bava Batra 54: Limits to

Purity and Redemption

Shabbat HaChodesh: Parshiyot Vayakhel-Pekudei The special maftir reading established by the Tana’im in the Mishna was meant to remind the congregation that the time to

More Than a Thousand Words

They say a picture is “worth a thousand words.” One of my children was recently looking at an old family photo album and stumbled upon

Handing Over the Keys

“So, Rabbi, bottom line—what’s the deal with drinking on Purim? What’s the message we are supposed to take from this unusual law?” That was the

Glittering From Within

Parshat Vayakhel-Pekudei From the president on down, Americans are very attached to their money. They don’t part with it so willingly. They feel this even

What Nobody Talks About—God

As religious Jews, our lives seem to be governed by the observance of laws, mitzvot. We go through life thinking such thoughts as: Is this

We’re Gonna Build a Wall

One of the most emotion-charged campaign platforms of the 2016 election cycle was the declaration by candidate Donald Trump that the U.S. should build a

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