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September 24, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


My Father, My Teacher

The Talmud (Kiddushin 31b) relates that when quoting a father in a Torah discussion, one should not mention his father by name, but rather refer

Remembering Rabbi Kasinetz, zt”l

Rabbi Moshe Aaron Kasinetz, founder of the Orthodox Jewish community in Livingston, passed away on Shabbat, Parashat VaYechi, 18 Tevet—December 30, 2023. He was 89

Medicaid Planning

(Courtesy of Haas & Zaltz) A recent National Public Radio (NPR) article discussed one family’s experience with the Medicaid estate recovery program, something many elderly

 Bearing Fruit

With Tu B’Shevat mere days away, the time is ripe to look into Yiddish words associated with fruit. Fruit was the first food mentioned in

Snow Day Fun!

Avigayil and Zechariah Isseroff of Bergenfield posing with Jerry the Snowman.  

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