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September 23, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


He Created; He Creates

Parshat Bereishit The navi Yeshayahu opens his book excoriating the nation for their sins and their abandonment of God (the selection we read on the

God in Search of Man

This week, in the Creation story, we read about the creation of man. Adam is given one command, not to eat of the fruit of

Stop Playing It Small

It seems like all my biggest “crimes” against myself stem from the same thought cluster: playing it small. My set of beliefs about myself are

Interest Drives Learning at MTA

“Ein adam lomed ella b’makom she’libo chafetz—A person learns best in a place his heart desires (Gemara Avoda Zara 19a).” Chazal, in their wisdom, recognized

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