Metacognition at RPRY
“If you didn’t have a value for the y-intercept but you had a point, could you still generate the equation of the function?” (Seventh-grade student
“If you didn’t have a value for the y-intercept but you had a point, could you still generate the equation of the function?” (Seventh-grade student
(This article first appeared in the spring edition of Hayidiyon and is reprinted with permission.) I enjoy TED Talks. I find them both inspiring and
Do you want to build a log cabin? Interested in honing your basketball skills under the tutelage of an Israeli pro basketball player? Is mountain
Planning for Pesach when you have a child with special needs takes preparation. The feelings leading up to Pesach—or any family and holiday meal—can bring
Jews everywhere celebrate Pesach with the same familiar traditions. But you’d be surprised how many regional traditions there are. While we are joined by a
The Slow Movement is gaining momentum (!) It was sparked in 1986 by Carlo Petrini, the Slow Food gourmet, by his protest against the opening
The background to the late 19th-century Jewish settlements in Israel was a wave of pogroms in Russia in 1881. This made most of Russian Jewry
“Our whole philosophy became ‘let’s take most of the money we would’ve spent on paid advertising and paid marketing and instead of spending it on
We know that most think we are crazy, but the idea of not making Pesach for a crowd still does not resonate well with us.
Every year I write a tax column, for tax purposes. I know that we all have to pay taxes, because that’s how we all chip
There are many reasons why car leasing has become so popular. Reasons include: Cash flow. By leasing you are only paying the depreciation on the
The shidduchim parsha. It’s a difficult parsha. As difficult as Kriyas Yam Suf, Chazal tell us. And those of us who know the pain of