Nostalgic Chagim Memories
As we reminisce about the many yamim tovim that we have spent together, we were discussing recently some of the interesting, sometimes very serious, and
As we reminisce about the many yamim tovim that we have spent together, we were discussing recently some of the interesting, sometimes very serious, and
Summer days are winding down. Leaves on the trees are laced with shades of burnt orange, yellow and red. There’s something so special about this
Part I of II In the secular world it is very common to make “New Year’s resolutions.” People undertake to lose weight, get into shape
The chazzan begins to hum the familiar tune of Unetaneh Tokef. Familiar, not because I’ve heard its melody in shul for the past few decades,
Among the numerous prayers recited in synagogues on the High Holidays, few have the impact of “U’netaneh Tokef” (“Let us now relate the power…of this
Every Rosh Hashanah (RH), many are puzzled by the flow of the Musaf Amidah, when Aleinu suddenly appears. After all, Aleinu is a prayer recited
Wine holds a special place in Jewish tradition. Whether to greet the Sabbath, to welcome a new baby into the fold, to bless the holy
Jerusalem—Beekeepers from across Israel delivered their honey products to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin this week in light of a festive event held at the President’s
East Stroudsburg, PA—It was quite an unusual sight on the last day of this year’s camp season. Campers at Camp Dora Golding were straining their
MVP, the premier Jewish Orthodox Boys Basketball Camp at Camp Seneca Lake, under the direction of Irv Bader and Judah Rhine, celebrated its seventh consecutive
CMEK concluded the summer with the post-season Slam Jam Camp at BPY. Boys and girls participated in separate divisions from Pre-K – Grade 8. All
Strengthening the Torah of Kollel Chatzos and bringing zechusim and bracha to klal Yisrael are the ultimate objectives for the administrators of Kollel Chatzos. It