The World Is Standing for You
The Gemara in Sanhedrin 37a says, “The world was created for me (בשבילי נברא העולם).” Every morning when we wake up, we should recognize these
The Gemara in Sanhedrin 37a says, “The world was created for me (בשבילי נברא העולם).” Every morning when we wake up, we should recognize these
There is a well-known story about a storm descending on a small town, and the downpour soon turning into a flood. As the waters rise,
Rabbi Yaakov Bender takes security for his yeshiva, Darchei Torah, very seriously. Two Israeli ex-security personnel contacted the yeshiva, offering to enhance his campus security.
The upcoming holiday of Shavuot evokes the receiving of the Torah, flowers and greenery and, of course, delicious dairy food. It is also the holiday
The Mishnah (Avot 6:2) states that “The Tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, engraved [charut] on the
How can we achieve a better understanding of what God wants us to learn from the Shalosh Regalim? Rabbi Neil Lauer’s “The Tripod” (2022) attempts
The connection between parshat Bamidbar and its haftorah goes beyond the haftorah’s opening verse noting B’nai Israel’s future numerosity. Nor is the connection limited to
Did you know that Microsoft and Google give away hundreds of millions of dollars every year to tzedakah? With global social tensions at an all-time
Students in first and third grades at Torah Academy in Minnesota were each given a free book earlier this month in recognition for their efforts
As a preeminent health and wellness consultant, Beth (Bassie) Taubes of Wellness Motivations spends her days teaching clients how to live their best lives, through
Rabbi Leo Dee is a man on the move; this time, he is traveling by car to speak in Raanana. During our 40-, no, 50-minute
It was a shot in the dark, literally. My weekend trip to Amsterdam was already planned, an exciting opportunity to join my father for a