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September 27, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Serving the IDF or Serving Hashem?

The last day of my IDF service consisted of the usual formalities, procedures, paranoia and degradation. Even on the last day, when commanders could theoretically

This Isn’t Kindergarten

I’ve noticed that basically every time I write about teaching, I write about my experiences in a boys’ mesivta. I do realize there are other

Belaboring Work

If there is any one nation that knows about labor, then we Jews ought to take a bow. For centuries, our people were subjected to

Ki Tavo

Hi! If you thought last week’s ravenclaw cufflinks were for the birds, you were right! They had everything to do with shiluach hakan. Nice going

Israel and Halacha

The ongoing debate over the role of Jewish law in a Jewish state. The role of Halacha in the State of Israel was a point

Highlighting Sister to Sister

We are excited to familiarize our readers about an amazing organization called Sister to Sister (S2S). I would imagine there is not one reader of

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