Friend or Foe?
Henry Kissinger recently passed away at the age of 100. Blessed with lucidity until the very end, he gave an interview to the Jerusalem Post
Henry Kissinger recently passed away at the age of 100. Blessed with lucidity until the very end, he gave an interview to the Jerusalem Post
Highlighting: “The Manly Man’s Diet for Manly Men: Laugh Your Way To A Skinnier, Happier, Better-Smelling You,” by Gary Epstein. Independently Published. 2023. Paperback. 104
Reviewing: “Circumventing the Law: Rabbinic Perspectives on Loopholes and Legal Integrity,” by Elana Stein Hain. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2024. English. Hardcover. 240 pages. ISBN-13:
Highlighting: “A Daily Dose of Pesukim of Bitachon,” by Rabbi David Sutton. Mesorah Publications. 2024. 424 pages. ISBN-10: 1422640159. (Courtesy of Artscroll) A life lived
100 years after Daf HaYomi was inaugurated in Vienna, a new “yomi” takes klal Yisrael by storm. “This historic maamid transpiring now, in a place
Dear Dr. Chani, I have been dating a guy named Ari for a few weeks and things seem to be going OK. I am not
In chess, tactics in the endgame, the final stage of the game in which few pieces remain, are crucial sequences of moves that exploit an
I’m on the phone. No one loves sitting on the phone with customer service, but you’d think that the most efficient companies for this are
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Every one of us is a teacher. In this week’s Torah portion (Ex. 35:34), God gives Betzalel the ability and mission to teach others his
Dear Ariella B., My parents are divorced. They are always trying to top each other. If I get a toy from one the other parent
Hi! Last week’s cufflinks were the comedy/tragedy masks, representing 1. The mask (or veil) that Moshe needed to wear after his encounter with Hashem. 2.