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October 4, 2024
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Light Amid the Darkness

Parshat Miketz-Chanukah/Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Tevet (Although this Shabbat is also Rosh Chodesh Tevet, the haftarah’s theme connects to the holiday of Chanukah for — as

Live It

On one occasion, Rav Lazer Shach, zt”l, was not feeling well and slept past the early time of Krias Shema (the zman of the Magen

Chanukah: Lit

The honorable Yehudah Avner, z”l, was a legendary ambassador, diplomat and political insider. A consiglieri for Prime Minister Menachem Begin, z”l, Avner also filled advisory

The Faulty Chanukah Candles

Many people are aware of the dangers of poorly manufactured Chanukah glass. Truthfully, they are not made of glass but rather a type of plastic.

She’Asa Nisim L’Avoseinu

A tiny jug of oil, tucked away in a corner somewhere in the Beis Hamikdash, found unsullied. That same oil, enough for just a day’s

Vows, Oaths and Their Annulment

Nedarim 19b 23b. The world was created with 10 utterances. The power of speech distinguishes man from animal. Words have a power of their own

Appearance and Reality

After 22 years and many twists and turns, Joseph and his brothers finally meet. We sense the drama of the moment. The last time they

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