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September 30, 2024
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BCHSJS Hosts Annual Gala Dinner

(Courtesy of BCHSJS) The Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies (BCHSJS), recently held its Annual Gala at Temple Israel and JCC. The event was

Zevachim 14 and 15

May these words of Torah be a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h. This week we learned Zevachim 14 and

Emor: Down for the Count

Vayikra: 24:15-16 April 9, Day of Omer 9 Dear Diary, Passover was great. Saw lots of family. Had two wicked Sedarim, although the second ran

Almost Home

When I was a kid (wow, I’ve reached that age…), before Pesach I would bring home a nice Pesach booklet that contained many divrei Torah.

Sanctity in the Mundane

Parashat Emor that we read this week dedicates its first perek to the laws of kedusha as they apply to the kohanim. The obligation of

A View From the Office

In these post-Pesach months, we read Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) on Shabbat afternoon. A number of mishnayot in Pirkei Avot begin with “hu

My Stories

Part 25 (written 2004) (Continued from previous week) Israeli Army It was in 1982, at the time when PB was decentralizing the traffic department, and

Tante’s Lamps

I may have mentioned that my husband and I are on a decorating journey. As I prepare this column there is a large carton from

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