Brachot at Fair Lawn’s Mashu Mashu Kosher Sushi
The Jachter family loves to eat at and from Mashu Mashu sushi in Fair Lawn (under RCBC supervision). They enjoy the décor at the store
The Jachter family loves to eat at and from Mashu Mashu sushi in Fair Lawn (under RCBC supervision). They enjoy the décor at the store
Much has been bandied about regarding the health of the kiruv movement and whether it is “dead.” Frankly, from where I sit at One Western
In Toldot, at the end of Chapter 26, we are told that Eisav took two Hittite wives and these became “morat ruach” to Yitzchak and
May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h. This week we learned Menachot 85.
Parshat Toldot The navi Malachi, whose words echo in today’s haftarah, was the last prophet of Israel. This selection, the opening prophecy of Sefer Malachi,
Yaakov was born with his hand grabbing onto the heel of Eisav. Hence, he was called Yaakov. Rashi says Yitzchak named him Yaakov from the
Parenting takes center stage as we read through Parshat Toldos. We learn about Eisav and Yaakov, twin brothers, each one with a different temperament and
Last year, on December 25, 2017, Heichal HaTorah hosted a grandfather-grandson morning of Torah learning. It was beautiful and touching to see grandfathers sitting next
Editor’s note: Aliza Strassman is a member of Congregation Darchei Noam of Fair Lawn and a teacher at BPY. She is from the Squirrel Hill
Working together across state lines, each in his own state legislature, New York State Assemblyman Walter Mosley (NY-57) and New Jersey Assemblyman Gordon Johnson (NJ-37)
(Courtesy of AMIT) AMIT’s 2018 Annual Dinner will pay tribute to outstanding leaders from different regions who work tirelessly to support AMIT’s mission of building
What do a tomato shaped kitchen timer, a checklist, classical music and a pet have in common? When it comes to studying for a test,