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September 23, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Food & Wine

Honoring Tabbouleh

Tabbouleh is a very popular Lebanese salad, so much so that the first Saturday of July is known as National Tabbouleh day. Although there are

Wagon Wheels & Magnolia Lace Trumpets

Pashat Naso inspiration: “The Nasi-ei (leaders) of Israel, the heads of their fathers’ houses, presented … their offering before Hashem: six covered wagons and twelve

Celebrating Shavuot With Rosé

Our case for lighter wines this season continues with four unpretentious, well-crafted rosés we suggest for Shavuot. Armonia Moscato Rosé A rosé above the fray.

Mouthwatering Wines for Shavuot

As opposed to Purim, Pesach or even Sukkot, Shavuot is typically not a holiday that people associate with drinking wine. As we celebrate Matan Torah,

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