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September 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


All Camps Are Not the Same

This letter is written about Murray Sragow’s letter (“Not Trivializing the Holocaust,” July 25, 2019), not to him, for as a Jewish history teacher he

Missing the Point on Marijuana

I was dismayed and horrified to read Bertha Massoffi’s letter to the editor last week (“Missing the Point on Marijuana,” August 1, 2019) in which

New Milford’s Jewish Community Is Thriving

While the article “Memories of New Milford’s Once-Thriving Jewish Community” (July 25, 2019) articulately evoked wonderful memories of New Milford Jewish Center (NMJC)/Congregation Beth Tikvah

Dangerous Trend Toward Extremism

I am responding to the recent article depicting the social injustice of omitting women from newspaper ads or dinner journal announcements (“Another Modest Proposal,” June

Silence Is Golden

Thank you very much for writing this powerful article in The Jewish Link (“When It Is Appropriate To Say Nothing,” July 18, 2019). We feel

Israel’s Unique Opportunity

Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib are presenting Israel with an opportunity that Israel would not be able to organize on its own. I believe that they

Not Trivializing the Holocaust

I am responding to the article entitled “Detention Centers on Southern Border Are Most Definitively Not Concentration Camps,” which appeared in the most recent issue

Bilaam’s True Nature

As we encounter this week’s sidra, it might pay to reflect upon Bilaam’s true nature: a) He only had one eye. (Sanhedrin 105a, based on

Leave Teachers Alone—It’s Summer

High school principals and admission counselors and school boards—please take note! Some Jewish high schools have crossed the line in their competition for students. The

On Democracy

My friend and colleague Rabbi Moshe Taragin writes a characteristically learned and eloquent exposition of why democracy is the worst of all systems from a

Desperation Is Not Criminal

Your editorial (“An Obscene Comparison,” June 27, 2019) concerning the misuse of the term concentration camp was well put, however, you failed to connect the

There Is No Comparison

I am only a high school student; however, when I see illegal immigrant detention centers compared to Nazi concentration camps (really mass death camps) it

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