An Alternative Way to Handle Gap Year Finances
I totally agree with last week’s article, “Student Finances 101” (August 8, 2024), that the gap year in Israel is a great opportunity to help
I totally agree with last week’s article, “Student Finances 101” (August 8, 2024), that the gap year in Israel is a great opportunity to help
As follow up to the points made by career tikkun olam advocate Mr. Kozlovsky regarding tikkun olam (“Tikkun Olam: It Is Time for a Change,”
I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Wisotsky (“Secular Studies Are a Major Part of Torah,” August 8, 2024) that secular subjects are part of Torah. Not
Much has been said regarding Rabbi Rosenfeld’s criticism (“Show Some Respect,” August 1, 2024) of Zachary Greenberg’s analysis of Joe Biden (“It’s Time to Go,
As alluded to by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin (“Austin Stresses U.S. Support for Israel in Call With Gallant,” August 1, 2024), Israel has generally had
When one reads The Jewish Link each week, one must be filled with pride at the greatness, strength and beauty of the Jewish community. There
I am writing to request a correction to my article, “The Commandment to Dwell in Eretz Yisrael,” published on August 2. The article mistakenly attributed
As a Holocaust survivor, I appreciate and agree with Rabbi Dr. Bernard Rosenberg’s letter to the editor, “The Uniqueness of the Holocaust” (August 8, 2024).
I am not aware of anyone who has envisioned a permanent and complete victory based on our current situation. First, our God is a very
I agree with Rabbi Wallace Greene in his letter “The Debate About Secular Studies” (Jewish Link, August 1, 2024). However, I have a problem with
I often write about the uniqueness of the Holocaust and state that the Holocaust is completely different from other genocides. This position is controversial to
With all due respect to Rabbi Rosenfeld of Fair Lawn, I am compelled to leap to the defense of my good friend and neighbor Zachary