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September 24, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


To Sleep…

Dr. Rosen’s latest article on ways to improve one’s sleep habits was extremely insightful (“The Habits That Harm Your Sleep,” July 6, 2023). Like many

Respect the Vets

I write in response to Rabbi Staum’s “Historically Speaking” article on July 6, 2023. Being the parent of an active member of the U.S. Army,

Talmud Hatzmachim

Any careful student of Hebrew would notice that several key Torah ideas are related to plant life. For example, siach means both conversation as well

On Judaism and Chess Today

I was elated to see an article in the Link with chess games in it (“Tani Talks Chess … And Teaches It, Too,” June 29,

Is Teaneck Full? It’s Up to Us

The Link has been discussing whether Teaneck is full (“Teaneck is Full,” June 1, 2023), (“Teaneck Is Full?” June 22, 2023). I was raised in

Antisemitism at CUNY

I want to thank The Jewish Link for publishing Debra Rubin’s excellent coverage of the tirade that passed for a graduation speech at the CUNY

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