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September 24, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


It Can’t Get Worse

During the late springtime season of yearly festive graduations, celebrating important milestones in life for our family members and friends, we are further faced with

Tell the Other Side of the Story

Can the editors please clarify if the piece by Elizabeth Kratz, “Teaneck Council Ousts Members From Zoning And Planning Boards” (June 22, 2023), was a

More on the Yeshiva Funding Problem

In the article in last week’s Jewish Link on the problem of funding our children’s yeshiva education (“Rabbi Jeremy Wieder Offers Plan to Secure Day

The Power of Tehillim

In the modern age, Jews worldwide are finding innovative ways to connect with their faith and with each other. One remarkable initiative at the forefront


Ban social media. As more and more research comes out about how damaging social media is to children, the day schools must ban the use

Response to Rivka Stern

My series of articles about the contemporary malaise of entitlement among today’s youth merely observed that in the past when a child misbehaved there were

Teaneck Is Full?

I read the article a few weeks ago by Meir Brodsky titled “Teaneck is Full” (June 1, 2023) along with the many letter responses (“More

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