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September 23, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Ilhan Omar and Antisemitism

I presume that most Jews would wish that someone other than Ilhan Omar represented the 5th district of Minnesota in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Fibroids PSA

I was grateful to see Dr. Alfred Neugut discuss two weeks ago in his column, “Thoughts on Cancer” (January 26, 2023), the topic of uterine

When a Nice Town Goes to Pot

I am writing to express profound concern regarding the vote that will soon come before Teaneck’s Town Council that would expand zoning to allow the

Disappointed in Josh Gottheimer

As a supposed supporter of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, I am extremely disappointed that Josh Gottheimer voted with his Democratic colleagues

I See It Differently

In this past week’s issue, Avi Ciment introduced himself to your readership and used his opening article (“As I See It,” February 2, 2023) to

Proud Jews Spread the Light

This Shabbos is Parshas Yisro. An important verse often overlooked, is that Hashem demands the Jewish people to be “mamleches kohanim” and a “goy kadosh”

Rav Moshe Kahn, zt”l

There was no one like Rav Moshe Kahn. He dedicated his life to connecting women to Torah on the highest of levels. And that’s all

L’ilui Nishmat

Shlomo Yosef “Yoshe” Nachfolger—a cousin of ours—a melamed, a lamdin and a tzaddik, recently went to shul and after saying Shema at his seat, he

Deep Gratitude

Finding out a family member has cancer is devastating. No matter what the prognosis, it’s scary as hell. Nobody thinks it will happen to them,

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