To Juice or Not to Juice: That Is the Question!
Despite overwhelming reports of America’s obesity problem and the subsequent governmental push to lose weight, being healthy is actually on the rise. Grocery stores like
Despite overwhelming reports of America’s obesity problem and the subsequent governmental push to lose weight, being healthy is actually on the rise. Grocery stores like
Riverdale—It became clear that optometry was Dr. Joel Warshowsky’s calling when Professor Nathan Flax, Chief of Optometry at the SUNY College of Optometry, taught him
Dear Coach Gila, Question: I follow you on Facebook and while I am extremely impressed with all the healthy meals you prepare for your family,
A series of events brought me to train as a chaplain in a local hospital. One does not need to be a Rabbi or a
The FDA has approved yet another artificial sweetener to place in our sodas, sweets, ices, baked goods, and even our milk. Aspartame was 200 times
According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (the most recent survey available to us) and the latest findings by the National
One year ago, I decided to go on a diet. Never in a million years did I anticipate what would happen next! I was heavier
Completing three months in his new practice, Dr. Josh Smilow, DMD, is proud of all that Smilow Family Dentistry has to offer. Knowing that many
A new stem-cell technology with the potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is now in development by the Israel Prize laureate
A thousand years ago, human life expectancy was not even close to what it is in 2015. There have been so many advances in medicine,
What is slavery? Slavery refers to a condition in which an individual is owned by someone else and is therefore entirely under the control of
“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never harm me.” No one believes that. Hurt that comes from being taunted, and jokes