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September 24, 2024
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Stuck in the Middle With Me

Recovery is not linear. This is a lesson that is typically taught in the beginning stages of one’s recovery process to help the individual understand

Rebuilding Myself Using Broken Glass

“אם אשכחך ירושלים תשכח ימיני” “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget itself.” (Sefer Tehillim) One of the most meaningful wedding

Diet and Cancer: Part II

Why do we assume that diet plays such a major role in cancer etiology? And by “we,” I don’t refer to just the lay public,

Love, COVID or A-Fib?

(Courtesy of SMGH) Maybe that fluttering of your heart isn’t because the love of your life entered the room. Or maybe that shortness of breath,

All About PEMF Therapy

PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy has shown tremendous benefit for my clients. I discovered that improved eating, hydrating, exercise and sleep are very difficult things

Diet and Cancer

Part I I am always surprised that the most frequent question I am asked by a patient or family member after we discuss the diagnosis

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