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September 30, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Carbohydrate Fear Factor

Dear Jenn, I’m trying to lose weight. Many diet programs encourage eating mostly proteins and avoiding carbohydrates at all costs. My online research seems to

The Pickleball Craze

“I was rushing from work to get to my weekly pickleball game. I made it there just in time and stepped on the court ready

I Have What?!

Do you want to hear my horror story? Of course you do, because we are all curious about what happens to others. When something bad

Think Regeneration!

This is an exciting time for treating pain and injuries. When I was a resident, the hallmarks of sports medicine were steroids and surgery. Unfortunately,

Let the Music Play

We’re told the day to fast will become a day to feast. With Tisha B’Av, Menachem Av and the High Holy Days upon us, we

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