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September 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Real Estate

Not All Square Meters Are Created Equal

A few years ago, my client wanted to purchase a three-bedroom apartment in a new development project. We first viewed a 150-square-meter (“sqm”), three-bedroom unit

The Art of Negotiation

Thirty years ago I had the good fortune of spending two years learning in yeshiva in Jerusalem’s Old City. One day, while walking through the

Your Credit Scores

Coca-Cola won’t reveal its secret ingredient, Colonel Sanders keeps his special combination of spices in a vault, and Moish the Morasha baker won’t tell anyone

Building Credit

“Having no credit history can be as detrimental, or worse, than having a bad credit history.” There are five factors that make up your credit

It’s Not So CORNY to Like It

When you think of popcorn you think of fun things: movies, parties, Friday night Shabbos treats, Shabbos afternoon snacks, Shalom Zachors, Kiddushim, etc.  It’s the

In the NOBO Kitchen with Josh

Teaneck—Josh Massin has two passions: Torah and cooking. As executive chef and partner in Teaneck’s Nobo Wine and Grill, he lives and breathes both. Tucked

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