Purim at RYNJ was amazing! Beginning with Rosh Chodesh Adar, the spirit of Purim was felt in every moment of the month. Festive chagigahs were
Purim at RYNJ was amazing! Beginning with Rosh Chodesh Adar, the spirit of Purim was felt in every moment of the month. Festive chagigahs were
Yeshivat Noam Early Childhood students created beautiful groggers and Purim themed art to use and share on Purim!
Yavneh Academy welcomed Adar with special Purim themed dress up days including Yom Crazy Kova!
The JEC Lower School kicked off Adar with an amazing lineup of events leading into Purim. With each day bringing a new theme and activity,
To celebrate Adar, each classroom door at RPRY has been decorated with the theme of Israeli food. From rugelach to techina, shakshuka and the shivat
This week, WTA middle schoolers took on an incredible challenge, elevating their creativity and teamwork to new heights during an unforgettable Lila Lavan (All-Nighter) event.
Purim fun abounds at Yeshivat Shalshelet with Jersey Day, Dress Like a Teacher, Support Israel and Costume Day.
Gan Henel loves Purim because they get to dress up in fun costumes, shake noisy groggers and act out the story of Queen Esther. They
By decree of His Majesty, King Achashverosh, the children of BPY Gan Keshet were summoned to a grand banquet like no other! On Monday morning,
Anshei Lubavitch students are having so much fun getting ready for Purim! The hallways are sparkling with Purim decorations and ringing with Purim music. The
Purim Sameach from Kol Chaverim Preschool
In keeping with the spirit of Adar, fifth through eighth graders left their backpacks behind for the day and carried their school supplies in something