Yeshiva High Schools Compete in Second Annual Envision Shakespeare Competition
The prophecy of the three witches to Macbeth was repeated many times last week at The Frisch School, host of the second annual Envision Shakespeare
The prophecy of the three witches to Macbeth was repeated many times last week at The Frisch School, host of the second annual Envision Shakespeare
When Dr. Avi Helfand ‘97 was a student in Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA), he was a shining star on the school’s legendary
In an effort to have Parshat Shemini and the laws of Kashrut come alive, RYNJ hosted Rabbi Amram Cohen to speak to the Middle School
Spring is here and Teaneck Chabad Preschool took a field trip to learn all about flowers. Tim Blunk, owner of Tiger Lily by Encke located
The Ma’ayanot drama club, in conjunction with Black Box Studios, invited the entire community to two performances of “My Aunt’s Son Vinny,” a comedic adaptation—written
On Tuesday, March 29, Dr. Yossi Elran from the the Weizmann Institute in Israel, visited with Ben Porat Yosef fourth and fifth grade Math by
More than 100 students in the Frisch engineering department learned how technology can greatly improve the lives of people with disabilities as they listened last
In honor of Pi Day on March 14, the Yeshivat Noam fifth grade boys were given the opportunity to memorize the digits of pi. Gavriel
Dr. Yossi Elran from the Weizmann Institute visited Yavneh this week. Dr. Elran used card tricks and Mobius Strips to demonstrate exciting math problems and
The He’Atid second and third graders had an exciting opportunity to experience a 3D software and printing presentation by Lap Leung of Makers Empire, a
“The play’s the thing.” That was certainly the theme for the seventh grade girls of RYNJ last Tuesday. RYNJ students proudly presented “Shilgiah,” an original
In a spirited meet held at Congregation Rinat Yisrael on March 17, both the TABC varsity and junior varsity college bowl teams won the New