Overflow Crowd Turns Out for TABC’s Tikkun Leil Shavuot
TABC’s Beit Midrash was filled to capacity on Shavuot night, with overflow into other rooms to accommodate the crowd. TABC rebbeim were on hand to
TABC’s Beit Midrash was filled to capacity on Shavuot night, with overflow into other rooms to accommodate the crowd. TABC rebbeim were on hand to
In honor of Flag Day, June 14, the K-Gold children at Moriah designed and created their own flags. The children depicted what was most relevant
Numerous Ma’ayanot students—including students in Rabbi Zev Prince’s Bekiut elective and in Mrs. Dena Block’s senior Gemara Seminar class—learned the entire Masechet Makkot with Rashi
Kol Chaverim Preschool in Fair Lawn ended their school year with a FUN day on the the FUN BUS.
Meital Fuksbrumer, Yeshivat Noam eighth grade graduate won first place for her poetry in the 20th Annual Siegelbaum Literary and Visual Arts Competition. Meital’s poem,
Becoming a bat mitzvah is an important milestone in the Jewish tradition as it is a time when a young girl is welcomed into both
Nearly 1000 parents, family, students, faculty, alumni and friends joined in the graduation ceremony of the TABC class of 2016 last week. They heard addresses
Yavneh Academy Class of 2016/5776 graduated this past week; the ceremony took place at Paramus High School.
Ben Porat Yosef eighth grade students marched through the halls one final time before celebrating their graduation on Wednesday, June 15. As they took their
Author Elliot Sloyer read his two books, “Bat in the Bunk” and “The Safety Pin” to Moriah third grade students.