September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Give and You Shall Love

The Book of Shemot ends on a high note. The Mishkan is completed and is filled with the Presence of God. Before we move forward,

Remember Not to Forget

If you were asked to rank the days in the Jewish calendar in order of importance, where would you place Purim? Probably not at the

Chiddushim on Megillas Esther

The name “Esther” is widely interpreted and commented upon. One such interpretation is that it stems from “hester—hidden,” as in “hester panim—when Hashem hides his

The Megillah Diet

Some people think that Megillat Esther is a historical record. Some think it is an allegory. Some think it is a satire. Some think it

Insanity and Hope

This article was reprinted with permission from The Lehrhaus. This article originally appeared in Hebrew in Or Eḥad: An Anthology of Thoughts on the War

Botox: A Beacon of Relief for TMJ Sufferers

As a dentist dedicated to providing comprehensive care at Tenafly Dental Associates, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Botox in alleviating temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

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