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September 28, 2024
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When Tragedy Hits Close to Home

Teaneck—Philyss Seidenfeld was outside last Shabbos morning, talking to a friend who was waiting for her son to return home from shul. She heard two

Tzav 5775: Every One a Winner

The instructions surrounding the sacrifices are detailed. What to bring, where to slaughter, how to prepare, and even the sequence of the service. But the


Netanyahu, Rivlin Send Condolence Letters to Father of Brooklyn Fire Victims ( Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin each sent letters of

A Miracle for Osher

Jerusalem—Osher (Hebrew for “happiness”) was just 15 when he suffered end-stage kidney failure, triggering a downward spiral of deterioration that even two years of intensive

Breaking News

Global media prematurely eulogizes Netanyahu government (Israel Hayom/Exclusive to Some news outlets found themselves prematurely hinting at the defeat of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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