February 18, 2025

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Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Visits YU and Teaneck

Rabbi David Baruch Lau, the Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel, visited Teaneck on Tuesday evening at Cong. Bnai Yeshurun, his only appearance in Bergen County during a trip sponsored by the RZA (Religious Zionists of America). The visit was Rabbi Lau’s first visit to Teaneck but he noted in his remarks that he has met and befriended many people from Teaneck who are now living in his home city of Modiin, where he has served as the city’s Chief Rabbi since the city’s inception.

After a warm introduction by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky who noted Rabbi Lau’s illustrious rabbinic lineage and their longstanding close relationship, Rabbi Lau took the podium and delivered a 20-minute address focused mainly on Pirkei D’Rebbe Eliezer and on the Tanna Rabbi Elazer Ben Hyrcanus, a talmid of Rav Yochanan Ben Zakkai, who was renowned for his tremendous memory and incredible desire to learn Torah and retain what he learned. In closing, Rav Lau urged all in attendance to take note of Rabbi Elazar Ben Hyrcanus’s incredible attachment and devotion to the Torah, especially in these days of the Omer and leading up to Matan Torah. He asked that  we“open our hearts to Torah…during these weeks,” he said in closing.

On May 8, Rabbi Lau visited Yeshiva University, where he met with roshei yeshiva at YU-affiliated Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and YU President Richard M. Joel. He also spoke with YU’s Center for the Jewish Future senior staff about their work around the world with rabbis, communities, and students, and toured the Wilf Campus and the Jacob and Dreizel Glueck Center for Jewish Studies with students.

“During the Chief Rabbi’s visit he was very curious about YU’s efforts in engaging communities, both rabbinic and lay-leadership, throughout the Diaspora,” said Rabbi Kenneth Brander, vice president for university and community life at YU and the David Mitzner Dean of the CJF. “He was impressed with the leadership opportunities our students are involved in throughout the Jewish world and was inspired by his meeting with YU roshei yeshiva and President Joel. It is critical that Yeshiva University and the Chief Rabbi’s office have an ongoing relationship.”

In addition to visiting YU, Rabbi Lau also visited the OU and Agudath Israel.

By Moshe Kinderlehrer

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