(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) A memorial ceremony was held recently at Congregation Shomrei Torah Ohel Yosef Yitzchok Bris Avrohom Center, where a large crowd gathered to honor and remember the founder and builder of the shul כהנא ע״ה דוד יעקב הכהן בן יצחק.
Rabbi Avremy Kanelsky commenced the ceremony by inviting the Kahane family—Claire Kahane, Richard and Stephanie Pomerantz and Jason and Tammy Kahane—to ignite five candles. He explained the significance of five candles, saying that based on kabbalah, a person’s neshama has five names, נפשׁ, רוח, נשׁמה, חי׳, יחידה. The five candles correspond to the names of the neshama.
Following the candle-lighting, Rabbi Mendel Zaltzman, director of Bris Avrohom of Fair Lawn, recited the Rebbe’s chapter of Tehillim-123, for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Israel and for the safe return of all the hostages.

Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky then made a siyum on מסכת מעילה, and connected the מסכת to the life of Danny Kahane, z”l.
Jason Kahane, Danny’s son, took the podium next to recite Kaddish and speak about the life and legacy of his father. He detailed how important it was for his father to purchase the shul Congregation Shomrei Torah Ohel Yosef Yitzchok, to fulfill his promise to God that he will build a shul where all Jews will be invited and welcome. Once the shul was purchased and the keys were handed over to the Kanelsys, Danny Kahane would repeatedly remark what a nachas it was for him to see the shul flourish and become a center of Yiddishkeit in Hillside. Jason thanked Rabbi Mordechai and Shterney Kanelsky for their exemplary work for the shul and the community. Jason concluded by asking the attendees to make a l’chaim in honor of his father.
The final speaker of the night was Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky, whose close relationship with Danny spanned decades. Rabbi Kanelsky shared with the crowd how the Lubavitcher Rebbe gave Danny a blessing to purchase the shul building, telling him, “Do it today, do not delay!” Danny had the utmost love, dedication and respect for the Rebbe, and three hours later, the building was purchased. Just three-and-a-half years later, Danny came to the Rebbe with a framed photo of the Bris Avrohom shul building, proclaiming: “The building was fully paid off and belongs completely to me, and I am now handing it over to the Rebbe.” The Rebbe responded, “When Moshiach comes, many shuls from Chutz La’Aretz will move to Eretz Yisroel, this shul included.” The Rebbe then handed Danny all the dollar bills that were on the table at the time and said, “Don’t worry, your money will go along to Eretz Yisroel, too.”

When it came to anything related to Yiddishkeit, Danny Kahane was at the forefront. He was involved in every step of the construction of the Bat Sheva Chaya Esther mikvah which was built in memory of Bat Sheva, ob”m Kanelsky and participated in the groundbreaking of the new reservoir just a few months ago. He also assisted in building Cheder Yaldei Menachem and was honored with affixing the mezuzah on the door of the new first grade class this year.
Danny Kahane didn’t merely assist in the building and construction of these institutions. Rabbi Kanelsky shared how he was privileged to speak to Danny twice a day, and Danny was always interested in hearing the step-by-step growth of each institution and asking how he could assist in helping them flourish and spread Yiddishkeit to more Jews.
In addition to all the large projects Danny was busy with, he was also constantly concerned about needy families and tried to help them, especially before the holidays. He distributed checks twice a year to families in need and made sure they had adequate food and clothing.

Rabbi Kanelsky expressed his and his wife Shterney’s gratitude to Danny and Claire Kahane for their personal involvement in their family, always attending the Kanelsky simchas from a bris to a wedding and sheva brachos. Rabbi Kanelsky then wished אריכות ימים and שׁנים טובות to Claire, with the blessing to continue to carry the torch of the Kahane family.
Much more could be said about Danny Kahane, but as Rabbi Kanelsky said, Danny was a man of action, not of words. As such, Rabbi Kanelsky suggested that the attendees adopt a beautiful hobby of Danny’s. He would say “Gut Shabbos” to every single person in shul, no matter who he was or his affiliation. He would make everyone feel welcome and a part of the community. Danny Kahane was truly someone to learn from and emulate.
May his memory be a blessing.