(Courtesy of Lamdeinu) Lamdeinu invites all to join them this winter for an inspiring lineup of Torah classes, offering engaging and in-depth learning for all levels. Lamdeinu is thrilled to present popular returning courses and new topics, each taught by its accomplished teachers. Each session stands alone, so participants are welcome to join at any time.
Lamdeinu’s schedule resumes on Mondays with Dean Rachel Friedman’s renowned series “Parshanut HaMikra.” This women-only class combines chavruta learning with an interactive shiur as Dean Friedman explores Sefer Bereishit: The Generations of Yaakov and His Children. This series is ideal for those interested in deepening their understanding of Parshanut.

Later on Monday afternoons at 1 p.m., Rabbi Hayyim Angel will teach a unique series open to both men and women, titled “How to Learn and Teach Tanakh: Four Illustrative Torah Stories.” Each session will explore a different story in Bereishit to demonstrate teaching and learning techniques.
On Tuesday mornings at 9:15 a.m., Rabbi Gedalyah Berger continues the study of Gemara Kiddushin, Perek 2. Welcoming both new and returning students, Rabbi
Berger’s class is open to men and women and will focus on the fundamentals of shelichut (agency) in the Halakhic system, covering topics such as ve-ahavta le-re’akha kamokha, trustees for orphans, and estate division.

Following Gemara, on Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m., Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom will lead a series on fresh interpretations of the Yosef narrative, offering new insights into this pivotal story. This class is free and open to men and women, with a suggested donation appreciated. Additionally, Rabbi Etshalom will lead two special Chanukah classes on Tuesdays, December 10 and 17, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., titled “Chanukah and Its Backstory.” These Chanukah sessions are also free and open to all, with a suggested donation appreciated to help Lamdeinu continue offering programs like these.
Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m., Lamdeinu is pleased to offer a thought-provoking class by Rabbi Yitzchak Twersky on “The Mysterious Book of Daniel.” This class is also free and open to men and women, with a suggested donation appreciated.

On Thursdays, Rabbi Berger will teach Hilkhot Tevilah from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. This class is open to women only and welcomes new registrations. Rabbi Berger will study the halakhot and minhagim that guide practice before, during and after immersion in a mikvah.
Finally, at 12:30 p.m. on Thursdays, Rabbi Daniel Fridman leads “Parashah and Haftarah Pointers,” open to men and women. This course will enrich participants’ understanding of Shabbat’s Torah and Haftarah readings, fostering both spiritual and intellectual growth.

All classes are available on Zoom only. Lamdeinu is dedicated to providing enriching Torah learning accessible to students of all backgrounds.
Lamdeinu is thrilled to honor Mrs. Judy Schiff at its Chanukah breakfast on December 8—a morning of Torah, good food and fun. For registration and a full schedule, please visit the website (https://www.lamdeinu.org) or reach out to Program Director and Social Media Coordinator Malki Warshawsky.