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Essex & Union Community News BRIEFS

Sisterhood Matriarch Evening at Etz Chaim

On Thursday, November 19, at 7:30 p.m., the Sisterhood of Congregation Etz Chaim will be hosting an evening with four matriarchs of the community—Gladys Halpern, Martha Eckstein, Ruth Hutter and Lea Kedar.

Hailing from across the Jewish experience, these women—two Eastern Europeans, a lifelong American, and a Sabra—will reflect on their lives as women and provide some insight as to how they dealt with different issues of work, family and gender in the different cultures and times in which they lived and how they navigated the societal and cultural expectations of women during those times.

Congregation Etz Chaim is located at 1 Lafayette Drive in Livingston. For more information, contact the synagogue at [email protected].

Our Soldiers Speak at Congregation Etz Chaim

Congregation Etz Chaim in Livingston will welcome Sergeant Benjamin Anthony, founder of Our Soldiers Speak, on December 4 and 5, Parshat Vayeshev.

Sergeant Anthony will speak about the difference between the media coverage of military operations of the IDF, and the reality. He will separate fact from fiction.

To sponsor the event or for more information, please contact the synagogue at [email protected] or (973)597-1655.

Congregation Etz Chaim is located at 1 Lafayette Drive.

Union Y Upcoming Events

Camp Open Houses Scheduled for YM-YWHA Union:

It is officially camp registration time for summer 2016 at the YM-YWHA of Union. During the summer, the campus becomes “home” to over 480 campers, ages 3-15 in nine different divisions. The majority of campers are in the Camp Chaverim division, geared for the yeshiva student. Camp Ahava is for 3 and 4 year olds, and offers a perfect nursery school environment for an introductory “camp experience.” Camp Kinneret, the “Israeli” division, is a comfortable camp for the very modern observant camper as well as day school student. Older programs for boys and girls in grades 7-10 include traveling, chesed hours and training to become a future counselor.

The Y boasts two pools, a double gymnasium, gaga courts, ball fields, acres of secure shady campgrounds and an on-campus built-in kosher lunch program. Door to door transportation is available from selected areas; early and late camp options are available.

The Open House and information sessions coming up are as follows: Camp Chaverim (under the direction of Rabbi Yisrael Rich) Thursday, Dec. 3, from 7:30-8:30 p.m. and Camp Ahava (Shuli Glazer and Stacy Rubinstein) and Camp Kinneret (Sandi Newman, Debbie Berger, Cory Berger) Thursday, December 17, from 7-8 p.m. There will be special sign-up promos for all Open House attendees.

For more information, please call (908)289-8112, or access the website at

Union “Y” announces great gifts for the holiday:

The YM-YWHA of Union has two wonderful gift opportunities; “Fiddler on the Roof” and “A Day with the NJ Devils.” Tickets make great holiday gifts! “Fiddler on the Roof” is slated for Wednesday, January 20, at a 2 p.m. matinee at the Broadway Theatre in NYC. The coach bus leaves the Y at 11:30 a.m. so there is time to have a leisurely lunch. The seating is Orchestra. The price is $140 per person ($10 discount for Y members).

“A Day with the NJ Devils” is a great gift for the family. The date is Sunday, Feb. 14, at 12:30 p.m, when the Devils take on the LA Kings at the Prudential Center. Prices are $65 per person with a $5 discount for Y members and 2016 registered campers.

All trip participants for both programs receive a brown bag bagel snack. Tickets are limited; please call (908)289-8112 to order.

Chanukah at the “Y” with the PJ Library:

Children and families are invited to join in on a late morning Chanukah celebration at the YM-YWHA of Union on Sunday, December 6, at 10 a.m. The program will consist of Limor Ellman of the PJ Library and Ira Levine, professional musician. It will be an interactive story and music event, culminating in doughnut decorating. Chocolate treats will be available for purchase from Chocolate Works in Livingston. The cost is $7 per family ($5 for Y family members). The program is expected to end around 11:30 a.m. Please RSVP by Nov. 30 to [email protected] or (908)289-8112.

The Y is located at 501 Green Lane in Union.

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