February 6, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Rabbi Meir Soloveichik will be Scholar in Residence at Congregation Beth Abraham, 396 New Bridge Road, Bergenfield

Friday night oneg 8:15PM “The Yiddish Letter and the Declaration” Shabbos morning drasha in the main shul before mussaf – “Shatnez at the Nobel Prize: A Reflection on Faith and Reason: Shabbos before mincha at 4:15PM “Purim Drinking: A Less than Sober Reflection” Shabbos after 5:05PM mincha- “The Yibbum of Henry VIII”

Motzei Shabbos, February 22

9:00PM – 11:00PM Bowler City Lanes, 85 Midtown Bridge Street, Hackensack

Beth Abraham Sisterhood invites everyone to a Couples Evening of Bowling. Unlimited games, pizza, drinks and snacks. Shoe rental is included. $18.00 per person. Registration by Sunday Feb 16th using this link:http//events.sonstantcontact.com/register/event.

PANOPLY 2014  8:30PM Rinat Yisrael 389 W Englewood Teaneck

Nerot Presents a fun evening of Fast-Paced, Interactive Trivia

Make your own team of 10 or go “pot luck” and meet new friends.

$36 per person RSVP by Feb 9th contact Rena Zelig [email protected]

Sunday, February 23

8:45AM Cong Rinat Yisrael 389 W Englewood Ave Teaneck

Rabbi Alex Israel, Yeshivat Eretz Hatzvi will speak on “Jeroboam-The First “Social Protest”: Analyzing the man who split the Jewish kingdom, his social vision, and his religious errors.

RYNJ Presents a Family Variety Show 11:30AM Bergenfield High School Auditorium, 80 South Prospect Avenue.

Featuring Bubble Mania, Pirate School and the RYNJ Boys Choir. Contact Karen Rubin at [email protected]

Monday, February 24

Elder Care Planning Seminar 7:30PM Congregation Adas Israel, 565 Broadway, Passaic

Jewish Family Service of Clifton – Passaic presents Ruthie Weinberger, social worker, counselor, educator, mediator and facilitator of restorative justice.

Wednesday, February 26th

Bnot of Beth Abraham and Bnai Yeshurun 8:30PM Congregation Beth Abraham, 396 New Bridge Road, Bergenfield

Rabbi Yehonason Alpren arriving from Israel will speak on “Kiddush on Leil Shabbos – A Picture Portrait of the Scene at your Shabbos Table”. All women are welcome

Preschool Parent Workshop 8:15PM Lubavitch on the Palisades, 11 Harold Street, Tenafly

Book review of Siblings Without Rivalry led by psychologist Bena Schwartz. No charge. RSVP to [email protected]

Thursday, February 27th

Ma’ayanot Adult Education Committee 12:00PM 1650 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck

Mrs Rivka Kahan begins a six part series ending on April 3rd. Her topic: Do Unto Others: A Nuanced Analysis of the Torah View on Social Justice”.


Shabbat, March 1st

“Hillel’s Ideals Re-worked and Re-Stated” Jewish Center of Teaneck, 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck. After davening.

Rabbi Lawrence Zierler leads discussion at the tish.

Shabbat March 7 – 8th

Scholar in Residence, Rabbi Hayyim Angel, Congregation Shaarei Orah, 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck

For further information contact 201 833 0800 or [email protected].

Motzei Shabbat March 8th

Ma’ayanot High School for Girls Annual Scholarship Dinner, Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck

Honoring Mark and Bracha Bluman with Keter Shem Tov Award, Ernie and Sallie Levi as Parents of the Year and Abbie Rabin with the Faculty Appreciation Award. For further information contact Pam Ennis at 201-833-4307 ext 265.

Sunday, March 9th

Chevra Kadisha Seudah 6:25PM  Young Israel of Teaneck 1021 Warren Pkwy Teaneck

Mens and Women’s Chevra Kadisha seudah on the Yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu following davening. Membership in the Chevra Kadisha is not required Cost of the seudah is $13 per person. Checks to be returned to Bnai Yeshurun office at 641 W Englewood Avenue, Teaneck 07666 and reservations to be made by March 3rd.

8:00PM Eric Brown Theatre, Kaplan JCC on the Palisades 411 East Clinton Ave, Tenafly

Rebecca Teplow, composer and singer will perform and sing songs from her two albums, “Tefillot/Prayers” and “Kahveh/Hope” which are available on iTunes and CDBaby.com

Tuesday, March 18th

Yeshivat Noam Annual Dinner  Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck

Honoring Becky and Avi Katz, Renee and Murray Schneier and Mrs Linda Stock. For further information contact [email protected].

Motzei Shabbat, March 22

Yeshiva University and the Bergen County community 9:00PM Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck

Melave Malka celebrating the RIETS Chag HaSemicha. Keynote address delivered by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on “Lessons for Today’s Jewish Leadership.”

Sunday, March 23

Project Sarah Breakfast  9:30AM Congregation Rinat Yisrael 389 W Englewood, Teaneck

SARAH (Stop Abusive Relationships At Home) breakfast honoring Senator Loretta Weinberg, Rabbi Neil and Andrea Winkler, Mollie Kidorf Fisch, and Sara Schlussel. Keynote speaker is Dr David Pelcovitz. For further information contact Project S.A.R.A.H at 973-777-7638 or visit http://projectsarah.org/

Bnot Pre Pesach Boutique 4:30 – 9:00PM Congregation Bnai Yeshurun , 641 W Englewood Avenue, Teaneck

Interested vendors are asked to contact Miriam Kopel at [email protected]

Sunday, March 30th

Torah Academy of Bergen County’s Annual Dinner. Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck.

Theme of the dinner :”Building our Future” honoring Wendy and Isaac Shulman, Alisa and Stephen Levy, Dr Gerry Katz and Yaacov Apfelbaum. For reservations contact tabc.org/dinner.

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