In the past week, the Camp Shalom campers have been focusing their learning on the importance of the Nine Days and Tisha B’Av. The pinnacle of their learning has been talking about chesed and extra mitzvos we can do during these times. Campers were able to experience chesed hands-on this week! Parents and staff generously donated items so that campers could fill boxes and bring joy! The Rishon campers read “The Shabbat Box” and created beautiful Shabbos boxes for families of Ohel’s new facility in Bergen County and will surely bring joy to people’s Shabbos. The Sheini and Shlishi divisions created school supply kits for Friendship Circle participants filled with pencils, crayons, markers, stickers and more! The campers wrote notes and colored the boxes in beautiful designs. Everyone enjoyed the activity and left knowing that they had done a huge chesed and that we had all worked together toward the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash and bringing Am Yisrael peace in Eretz Yisrael.