(Courtesy of JEMA) Volunteers from JEMA (Jewish Educational Mentoring Alliance) @Yavneh Academy joined together to share experiences and learn new educational techniques to enhance the learning experiences on Zoom for their students. The evening was led by Robyn Adams, JEMA liaison; Jason David, middle school director of special services; and Dr. Sarah Feit, chief academic officer. The evening began with a welcome video to give tutors a peek into the Yavneh halls, as many of our tutors have never actually been to the school. After introductions and an ice breaker, participants had the opportunity to choose which skills they wanted to enhance. Whether it was Zoom Tips and Tricks or Games at Your Fingertips, everyone left the sessions excited to use the tools presented. The night concluded with words of gratitude and inspiration from the JEMA founder and leader, Dr. Norma Brecker-Blum, an organizational psychologist and former teacher. Dr. Brecker-Blum thanked the volunteers for so generously giving of their time and energy. The evening ended with a surprise gratitude video from some of the families benefiting from the JEMA experience. JEMA is a free, volunteer tutoring program that taps volunteers from the community to give struggling students extra support. To volunteer, contact Robyn Adams at [email protected].