The chesed and mitzvot don’t stop in middle school as the year winds down. Middle schoolers participated in a Yom Mitzvah in one of the final days of school, spending their day participating in and learning all about an array of mitzvot. Rabbi Strassman, shatnez checker, talked to students about shatnez and how he needs to analyze every suit that he is given. He discussed how he checks the fabrics woven into the suit. He brought samples of garments for students to look to point out the differences. Rabbi Josh Sturm of Renewal, discussed the extraordinary mitzvah of donating your kidney to someone. Renewal helps patients and their families navigate the complex process of kidney transplant, and support donors to make sure their incredible self-sacrifice is as simple and safe as it can be. Rabbi Sturm was joined by Aviva Breda who donated her kidney and shared her story. To round out their exploration of mitzvot, students made care packages and cards for children at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. Thank you to Sinai staff for helping arrange Rabbi Strassman and Rabbi Strum’s visits.