February 5, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Is Occupation the Cause of the Current Conflict?

Much is spoken about the “Occupation” as an underlying cause of the conflict.

Indeed, it is the:

· OCCUPATION of the minds of many Palestinians and Arabs that unlike everyone else in the region, Israel has been a success: READ RESENTMENT

· OCCUPATION of the minds of many Palestinians and Arabs that unlike everyone else in the region, this country tolersates a multi-ethnic/religious society: READ DISDAIN

· OCCUPATION of the minds of many Palestinians and Arabs that they have had consistent leaders who have consistently only cared about themselves: READ FRUSTRATION

· OCCUPATION of the minds of many Palestinians and Arabs that Jews and Judaism have no connection to the place called Israel: READ INTOLERANCE

· OCCUPATION of the minds of many Palestinians and Arabs, from birth and taught in schools, that Jews are pigs and filth: READ MURDER

· OCCUPATION of the minds of many Palestinians and Arabs that their religion, or their religious leaders, has failed to nurture an Islam that comfortably lives in a multicultural, tolerant society (as Judaism and others have). READ NUCLEAR

Sincerely, Derek Saker

Efrat and New Jersey, a commuter

Reflecting on Beautiful Chagim

Now that we’re back to routine after the intense and on-going beautiful aura of spending many Yomim Tovim with family and community, we can all reflect on the days of awe 5776 before our next round of chagim.

Kudos and acknowledgement should be noted for the administrators and staff of our local yeshivot, especially on the high school level, in directing our Jewish children to greater heights.

To enjoy a vibrant Simchat Torah in our midst whereby the teenagers would have friends and guests from all over joining together, my daughter Ilana in Englewood hosted over eighteen children in her Englewood home, along with many other community families doing the same thing. Ilana was so impressed with the turnout, and wholeheartedly expressed strong accolades for the administrators and staff for having done an effective, wonderful job conveying to the student body how to conduct themselves appropriately over the chag while being able to enjoy in the lively festivities as well.

Admiration for Rabbi Ciner, at the helm and principal of Frisch where my granddaughter attends, and all the high school administrators, including Rabbi Yosef of TABC, and staff, who had admirably primed and guided the students to conduct themselves appropriately during the time of the holiday festivities. It’s a pleasure to recognize that in stark contrast to many previous years of fluctuating behavioral problems, the youth of klal Yisrael in our area today have been guided with Yirat Shamayim while having fun at the same time… such behavior on the whole is commendable to all—the administrators, staff and the students themselves, who get the primary credit we can all be so proud of!

Ruby Kaplan (Sara Gdanski’s grandmother)

[email protected]

Support School Choice

Voters concerned with the quality and efficiency of education and high property taxes need to know that New Jersey is the first to have a bill precisely based on the only plan that transforms education from top-down to bottom up, consistent with liberty and free enterprise. This provides every New Jersey voter the political leverage to advance liberty and justice.

Unlike any of the pilot programs now in place in 28 states and the District of Columbia, the NJ Parental Rights and Property Tax Reduction Act (A1785) empowers all parents to send their children to quality schools of their choice for a fraction of the current cost. In addition to improving the quality of education, this will save taxpayers many millions of dollars in lower property taxes.

This empowers New Jersey voters to use the leverage of their vote to prevail on their legislators to add their signature to this bill. By so doing they will help improve the quality and efficiency of education, reduce crime, poverty, corruption and improve the quality of life in countless ways. Education is the nursery of all society. Parental choice in education will surely usher in boundless blessings that can only come from true liberty and justice.

Israel Teitelbaum

Alliance for Free Choice in Education

Ora Kornbluth Wants Best for Bergenfield

It has been a privilege to serve on the Bergenfield council and I humbly ask for your support to continue Bergenfield’s progress as mayor. I have proudly served all the communities in Bergenfield for the past five years and have been there countless times for our community as well.

As a mother, I first got involved as a volunteer coach in the recreation department, where I now proudly serve as the council liaison. I believe in a community dedicated to youth services and I am proud of our record, of implementing and expanding successful recreation programs. From there, I served on the zoning and planning boards before being elected to the council, where I am currently serving my second term.

The differences between my opponent and I are rather dramatic. I have served five years on the council Finance Committee where major policy is formulated and presented to the governing body. During my time we have reduced borough debt by over $9.5 million and raised our Moody’s bond rating to Aa3. This means less tax money is used to pay interest and more money can go to direct services in future years.

I serve as chairperson of the Police Committee, or more commonly referred to as Police Commissioner. In this role I have daily contact with our police chief and help guide public safety initiatives through the governing body; our town is now rated as one of the safest towns in the country.

Probably the most disappointing aspect of running for mayor has been the blatant lies my opponents have used in this election while going door to door. They are telling people that the “Southern end of town” [The Jewish community] does not pay school taxes because most of our children do not go to local schools. Today they attacked me for missing a meeting that was held on Pesach.

My record speaks for itself; I always do what is best for Bergenfield.

Voter turnout for this year’s election is projected to be very low. Every vote will count. Please make every effort to vote.

Thank you,

Councilwoman Ora Kornbluth

Bergenfield’s Schmelz Asks Residents For Their Votes

My name is Mayor Norman Schmelz. I am the mayor of Bergenfield, and I ask for your vote for reelection this Tuesday.

Before I start, thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your mayor; as someone born and living my entire life in Bergenfield, I really consider it an honor.

I have proudly served as mayor since November, 2013. I have had the privilege of visiting all institutions in this town, especially many in which the readers of the Jewish Link frequent—BMOB, Rabbi Sobolofsky’s shul, the Roemer shul, as well as Beth Abraham. Our diverse town is lucky to have such respectable institutions in our midst. Our strength as a town are all of our communities, and the Jewish community is a strength of ours. Anyone who insinuates anything else is just flat-out wrong.

I am also a Republican. Republicans need to have thick skin because Democrats confuse us with a punching bag sometimes. They blame everything on us and even invent problems that we Republicans created. I don’t take it personally—they just can’t help themselves.

I am proud to support Congressman (Scott) Garrett and his support for Israel. It’s something I’m thankful for. I’ve been attacked for supporting him, but he has been the only congressman in the area who has stood up to President Obama regarding Iran; he should be commended, not attacked by Bergenfield residents.

I’m proud to be accessible to all Bergenfield residents all the time. I am proud that I have been accountable to everyone. I am proud of the way that I have respectfully served as our town’s mayor.

I ask that you please vote for me for reelection. Thank you.

Norman Schmelz

Mayor—Borough of Bergenfield

Supporting Kornbluth For a ‘United’ Bergenfield

I am writing you today to express my enthusiastic support for Councilwoman Ora Kornbluth in this year’s mayoral election. I have had the privilege of working with Ora these past five years on the council, specifically on the borough Finance and Police Committees. As the Chair of the Bergenfield Police Committee and liaison to the Ambulance Corp, I have seen first-hand her dedication toward keeping Bergenfield a safe place to live and raise a family. Our success has been evident by the numerous awards and publications that consistently recognize Bergenfield as one of the safest communities in New Jersey. On the Bergenfield Finance Committee our conservative budgeting has reduced Bergenfield’s debt over $9.5 million and upgraded our Moody’s bond rating. It was this fiscal discipline that allowed us to allocate our debt savings toward over $2 million in road repair projects in 2015, including Highgate Terrace.

I am also writing to correct the record regarding the road repair of Highgate Terrace. The upcoming project is the result of the council’s long-term planning and responsible budgeting. In your last edition, Ora’s opponent, Mayor Norman Schmelz, appeared to take undue credit for his role in this project. Make no mistake, Norman Schmelz added nothing in regards to the upcoming Highgate Terrace repair and readers deserve to know this. Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is typical for the current mayor. Schmelz represents every bad stereotype of a politician, he is more concerned with taking pictures and getting his name in the newspaper than rolling up his sleeves and doing work for the people.

Now, in a desperate attempt for re-election, Schmelz and his team are practicing the politics of personal destruction. Mayor Schmelz recently sent negative campaign literature about Councilwoman Kornbluth, attacking her for missing a council meeting during Passover. This is sadly right in line with his sensitivity as he has also called members of Bergenfield’s diverse community “outsiders.” In contrast, Ora Kornbluth has always stressed a united Bergenfield and I know that under her leadership every voice will be heard and represented in our wonderfully diverse community. On November 3rd, please vote for Ora Kornbluth and the entire Democratic ticket located in column 2 so we can continue our work for a better Bergenfield.

Councilman Chris Tully


Schmelz Supports Bergenfield’s Jewish Community

I am a devoted reader of The Jewish Link. I am an Orthodox Jew, daven in the local shuls, and am also the municipal chairman of the Bergenfield Republican Party. I am writing to ask everyone to please support Mayor Norman Schmelz in his reelection as mayor of Bergenfield.

I could ask that he be reelected because he has been very sensitive to the Orthodox community in town, being the first mayor in recent memory to institute Sunday office hours (instead of Shabbos) so the Orthodox community could participate. I could say that he was the first mayor of Bergenfield in memory to have an Orthodox rabbi deliver an invocation at his swearing in; I could go on and on.

We should reelect him because he represents us and he is doing a good job. He is the only elected Republican in Bergenfield, and he forces the Democrats in town to face some scrutiny when they raise your taxes and cut services. To date, the Democrats who control this town for the past decade have only raised our taxes, cut our services and do not provide an ounce of relief to our tuition burden.

His Democratic opponents have been attacking him from day one, making up incredulous claims, and have no shame.

He has been attacked in this election by Bergenfield Democrats for simply being a supporter of (Rep.) Scott Garrett who supports Israel. Rep. Garrett was the only local Congressman who stood up to Mr. Obama during the Iran debacle, and we attack our mayor for supporting him? Ridiculous!

Our mayor has been to many of our community events numerous times. He supports our community as well. He has done a good job. He deserves our support. We owe it to him.

Ira Treuhaft


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