July 27, 2024
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July 27, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Ma’ayanot Holds Shabbat Chazara to Prep for Midterms

This past Shabbat, Parshat Va’eira, Ma’ayanot held its first-ever Shabbat Chazara, a school-wide Shabbat in Teaneck/Bergenfield that was designed to help students prepare for their limudei kodesh midterms in a warm, social and supportive environment. All students (including commuter students, who were offered Shabbat hospitality by their classmates) were invited to a Friday night oneg that started with an open beit midrash, where students could review with their classmates and teachers. The oneg ended with cholent, singing and socializing. Students were also invited to attend a seudah shelishit at one of six teachers’ homes where they again enjoyed divrei Torah, singing and bonding.

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