February 8, 2025

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Michael Steinhardt Honored at Taglit Birthright Israel Mega Event

Last week, the amphitheater at Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus Campus in Jeru­salem was filled to capacity for a very spe­cial Birthright Israel Mega Event. If you’ve nev­er been to one, a Mega Event brings together dozens of groups of Birthright Israel trip par­ticipants from around the world for a fun night of music, dancing and speeches by Israeli pol­iticians, philanthropists and assorted luminar­ies. There’s lots of flag waving and cheering, with boisterous South Americans and exuber­ant Americans lending a very festive air to the whole affair. It’s really something to see!

This particular Mega Event was a little dif­ferent however. The main purpose of the even­ing was to honor Michael Steinhardt, who along with Charles Bronfman, helped co-found Taglit Birthright Israel. Steinhardt was stepping down as Chairman of the Birthright Israel Foun­dation and guests had assembled in order to show their appreciation for the man whose vi­sion helped create one of the most audacious Jewish initiatives ever. I’m not kidding. If you know me, you know I can be fairly cynical. I think the term “audacious” is a perfectly appro­priate descriptor for a program that has in 14 years, brought over 350,000 young Jews from over 65 different countries for a free 10-day trip to Israel. And let us not forget the over 65,000 Israeli soldiers and students who joined the participants for part of their trips. But for Stein­hardt’s vision and bulldozer-like tenacity, Birth­right Israel may have never happened. And so, the crowd gathered on a pleasantly cool Jeru­salem evening to party and say thanks to the man that was instrumental in so many life al­tering experiences for young Jews.

Providing entertainment was the usual crew of Israeli dancers as well as rapper Shai 360. The Israeli government was represent­ed by Finance Minister and head of the Yesh Atid political party, Yair Lapid who breathless­ly exclaimed that “Taglit-Birthright Israel has saved the next generation of Jews around the world.” The next part of the program featured a short film wherein Steinhardt as well as his friends and family were interviewed. What emerged was a warm, loving and at times hu­morous portrait of a driven and passionate man, a tad obsessed with getting Jews to mar­ry Jews and have babies. Of course Birthright Israel is much more than that – it’s an exercise in Jewish peoplehood, an illuminating educa­tional experience, but still. I sat next to a cou­ple who was making out during the speeches and I couldn’t help but chuckle because I knew Steinhardt would heartily approve.

As for the speeches Charles Bronfman in­troduced Michael Steinhardt and his gracious wife Judy. Both spoke about their involvement in Jewish philanthropy and Birthright Israel, following which they received an award from a group of Taglit alumni. At that point, no less than Israeli superstar Ivri Lider and his band took to the stage to perform a cross section of their hits in both English and Hebrew. When Steinhardt sat down, he was immediately sur­rounded by scores of trip participants. Most simply wanted the opportunity to thank him while others, I know for a fact because I was right there, wanted to know if he had a shid­duch for them.

It was getting late and before Lider fin­ished his set to a massive throng of danc­ing Birthright Israel trip participants, Mi­chael Steinhardt and his entourage took leave. Most of them didn’t even notice but then again, I don’t think Steinhardt mind­ed. Clearly everyone was there to celebrate Michael Steinhardt, the great co-founder of Taglit Birthright Israel. But Michael? Mi­chael was there for the kids and as long as they were doing their thing, he was clear­ly pleased.

David Abitbol is the founder of Jewilicious.com.- See more at: http://ejewishphilanthropy.com/michael-steinhardt-honored-at-taglit-birthright-israel-me­ga-event/?utm_source=Mon+June+23&utm_ c a m p a i g n = M o n + J u n e + 2 3 & u t m _ medium=email#sthash.XGDnmisF.dpuf

By David Abitol Reprintedwithpermissionfromejewishphilanthropy.org

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