February 13, 2025

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Friday, November 15th

9:45AM – 10:45AM Bnai Yeshurun 641 W Englewood, Teaneck

Zumba with Sorrolle – each Fri morning $10.00 per person in the Social Hall

Erev Shabbat Nov 15th 8:00PM Cong Beth Abraham, 396 New Bridge Road, Bergenfield

Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich Former Soviet Prisoner of Zion will be guest of honor at an oneg. As well Rav Mendelevich will be speaking over Shabbat at several locations.

Shabbat, November 16th Parshat Vayishlach, Rinat Yisrael, 389 West Englewood, Teaneck

Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich will speak at 9:40 at the teen minyan and 10:30 at the main minyan.

Following 4:00PM Mincha at Seudah Shlishit at Cong Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck

Cong Netivot Shalom, 811 Palisade Ave, Teaneck

Abraham and Sheila Shlussel Educational Program

Shabbaton: Meaning, Music and Poetry: A Closer Look at Tefillah Scholars in Residence Rabbi Elie Kaunfer and Joey Weisenberg will lead a special davening and learning experience.

For further information contact 

Rav Yosef Mendelevich 7:30PM – 10:00PM Teaneck General Store, 502 Cedar Lane, Teaneck

Book Signing for his autobiography “Unbroken Spirit”

Ice Skating for Boys 8:30PM – 10:30PM Frietz Dietl Ice Rink 639 Broadway, Westwood sponsored by youth departments of Beth Abraham, BMOB and Ohr Hatorah. All boys 5th – 8th grades invited. $10 per person.

Sunday, November 17th

Shiur on Chanukah: Following 8:00AM Minyan Cong Beth Aaron 950 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck

Rabbi Daniel Feldman speaks on “What Happens When the Lights Go Out?”

Preschool Preview 9:30AM -11:00AM Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey 666 Kinderkamack Road, River Edge

All prospective preschool students and their parents are invited to play with Morot and learn more about the program. RSVP requested at www.RYNJ.org

7:00PM Night of Wonders Teaneck Jewish Center 70 Sterling Place, Teaneck

Benefitting Do Wonders by Lillian Lee. Musical Presentation entitled “Songs of Hope”, a tricky tray silent auction, delicious food, cocktails and inspiration. $75 per person. RSVP to  . For further information call Aliza or Rubina at 201 837 6770.

Huge Chanukah Boutique 5:00PM – 9:00PM Rinat Yisrael 389 West Englewood Ave, Teaneck Kids craft room from 5 – 7 with pizza $5 per child for you to drop them while shopping.

Rabbi Menachem Genack 7:45PM Cong Shaare Tefillah, 510 Clalremont Ave, Teaneck

Rabbi Genack will speak about his book “Letters to Clinton”

Monday, November 18th

Jewish Renaissance Center 9:45AM – 11:00AM 1510 Jefferson St, Teaneck

Understanding our National Attraction to Loshon Horah – Rabbi Teichman

NEVE – PTI 7:30 – 9:30PM

A special learning experience for women that did not benefit from a Yeshiva Education in their youth. 6 part Monday evening series – $130 for the session. First class free for new students. For further information contact

Tuesday, November 19th

FREE WEBINAR presented by Ohel 7:30PM – 9:30PM

“Challenges and Solutions to Caring for Aging Parents” Registration necessary at www.ohelfamily.org/webinar

Shiur Rabbi Beni Krohn 8:30PM – 9:15PM Cong Rinat Yisrael, 389 West Englewood Ave, Teaneck “Can I light my menorah on the airplane? Chanukah and Thanksgiving Travel.

Wednesday, November 20th

Project Ezrah 11:30AM – 12:30PM Cong Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck

“Embracing Change and Helping Our Careers Evolve” Continuing series in helping the mature worker. Anne Wallman, successful business owner speaks. RSVP to [email protected].

Shabbat, November 23rd Parshat Vayeshev

Melave Malke 8:00PM Chabad of Teaneck 513 Kenwood Place, Teaneck

Rabbi Dov Ber Pinson will speak on “Journey of the Soul: Reincarnation and the Kaballah.

In honor of the 19th day of Kislev the Rosh Hashannah of Chassidus. Dairy Meal Free of Charge. Please RSVP

Sunday, November 24th

9:15AM – 11:30AM Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future

Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon present “The Legacy of Hakham Ovadia In Tribute to Gadol Hador Maran HaRav Ovadia Yosef zt”l

Presenters: Rav Herschel Schachter, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, and remarks by Rabbanit Adina Bar Shalom, Founder, CEO and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Haredi College of Jerusalem, Daughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l. Open to men and women – free parking. Reservations made by contacting 

B’Not Mother Daughter Event 9:30 – 11:00AM Cong Bnai Jeshurun 641 West Englewood, Teaneck

Thanksgivakkuh Cupcake Decorating – $36 Michelle Frohlich from Cake-a-Bite will teach how to creat 6 stunning Chanukah and Thanksgiving themed cupcakes. RSVP and info contact Barbara Smilow at 718 974 4550. Checks to be made out to CBY BNOT. Spaces are limited.

UNCLE MOISHY 2:00PM The Learning Center 199 Scoles Avenue, Clifton

Jewish Family Service of Clifton/Passaic presents concert. Tickets can be purchased online at jfsclifton.org Tickets in advance $18 and at the door $20.

Mother Daughter Culinary Event 7:00PM Ma’ayanot High School, 1650 Palisades Ave, Teaneck

The evening will include culinary demonstrations by noted chefs Leah Shapira, author of the award winning cookbook Fresh and Easy Kosher Cooking, and Merav Dahan, creator of Merav’s Cuisine, as well as a pre-Chanukah boutique featuring Pampered Chef, Cutco Cutlery, and much more.

For more information or to register for the event, please visit Ma’ayanot’s website (www.maayanot.org) or contact Pam Ennis at 201-833-4307, ext. 265.

Women’s Mikvah Association 4th Annual Event 7:30PM Cong Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck Honoring Miriam Feman,

Reception and Raffle Package followed by Dairy Dinner and Program (8:15)

Register at TeaneckMikvah.com/event – $54.00

Monday, November 25th

9:45AM – 11:00AM Jewish Renaissance Center 1510 Jefferson St, Teaneck

The Definition of True Torah Heroes – Rebbetzin Leah Kohn

November 27 – 05 December CHANUKAH

Sunday, December 8th 9:30AM YOGA Cong Bnai Yeshurun, 641 West Englewood, Teaneck

Led by Monica Gordon, $10 per class. Contact f interested.

Monday, December 9th

7:00PM JNF Teaneck Reception Cong Beth Shalom, 354 Maitland Ave, Teaneck

Honoring Marlene and Philip Rhodes, Teaneck Councilman Yitz Stern – Presenter Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, Cong Beth Aaron, Special Recognition Ben Guttman, Featured Speakers Davidi Perl, Mayor of Gush Etzion and Shani Abrams Simkowitz, Director of the Gush Etzion Foundation. Glatt Kosher Buffet and Dessert Reception catered by Ma’adan of Teaneck – minimum contribution $180 per person. (cost of dinner included) RSVP by Dec 3rd. Call 888.JNF 0099.

December 11th

6:30PM – 8:30PM Moriah School, 53 South Woodland Street, Englewood

Modern Orthodox Jewish Camping Fair. Meet directors, counselors and current parents. With questions contact

December 12th

7:00PM Hadassah Shelley’s Vegetarian Café, 482 Cedar Lane

New group being formed for ladies in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s. For further info and to RSVP Contact Gail Black at [email protected]

Monday, December 16th 9:45AM – 11:00AM Jewish Renaissance Center 1510 Jefferson St, Teaneck

Lashon HoRah: The Devaluation of our Humanity – Rabbi Teichman

January 15 – 25th Winter School Break

Yeshivat Noam Family Israel Adventure led by Rabbi Chaim Hagler

Open to the entire community and appropriate for families with children in a wide age range and ideal if the oldest child is in 2 – 5th grade. Packages available with the option of staying with the group in hotels or only joining for the touring experience. For itinerary, registration form and pricing information go to www.yeshivatnoam.org or call Rabbi Hagler at 201 261 1919 ext 115.

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