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September 19, 2024
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Search Results for: martin bodek – Page 6


Hi! Looks like I was unsuccessful last week in sneaking a pun past anyone, but at least you unanimously enjoyed!
Now, can I sneak another one past you? Nah, y’all are certainly good enough. Have a wonderful Shabbat, everyone!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cufflinks themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cuff links, and you tell us how it ties in to the parsha …


… Congratulations to everyone who actually used the clicker.

Awesome, and now it’s time to play Link, Lose or Draw! What do these have to do with this week’s parsha? Something is afoot here, I can tell you that. Ah har har har. Shabbat shalom, everybody!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cuff links, and you tell …


Hi! Say, did you “chap” last week’s cufflinks. Speak now if you did. If you did, then you see what I did there.
On to this week’s parsha, as Moshe continues his summary as we barrel towards the finish line. What do these have to do with this week’s portion? Hint: you’ll need an Umpire Clicker. Shabbat shalom, y’all!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like …

Bodek’s ‘Zaidy’s War’ Up for International Book Award

“Zaidy’s War,” by local author and Jewish Link contributor Martin Bodek, has been chosen as a finalist at the International Book Awards in the general history category. In “Zaidy’s War,” published by Amsterdam Publishers, Bodek chronicles his grandfather’s WWII memoirs; his service in multiple armies, his story of survival and eventual immigration to Israel and ultimately to the U.S., where he worked as a chef for 40 years and finished Shas 14 times. He passed away eight years ago at the age of 95.
Born and raised in Brooklyn and currently living in New Jersey …


Did you get last week’s cufflinks? Well, you’re presumably a member of the “tribe,” so of course you did. Proud of you. Chazak!

We move on to Chumash #5, and it’s time to play Press Your Link! What are these things and what do they have to do with this week’s parsha? Hint: They’ve got everything to do with pretty much every parsha in the Chumash! Have a wonderful Shabbat, y’all, and an easy fast afterwards.

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate …


… Ultimate Linkmaster! Two parshiot for the price of one! What a deal! This week’s cufflinks also might seem anachronistic (Haul out the dictionary, kiddies!), but more culturally familiar. So nu? Have you figured out the shaychis to the parsha? Let’s hear. Shabbat shalom, y’all!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cufflinks themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cuff links, and you tell us …


… have to do with this week’s parsha? Why couldn’t I keep it easy? Toss in your entries. Step right up. Don’t be shy. Nobody likes a bashful leather head.* Shabbat shalom, y’all!
*3 million points if you remember which movie that’s from.

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we present the cuff links, and you tell us …


Did you feel the earth move under your feet last week? Then you totally got what I was referencing with my spinny-globe cufflinks. Nice work!
It’s time now once again to play The Weekest Link (Ha! See what I did there?)! Squint hard and you should be able to tie these to this week’s parsha with ease. Thanks for playing! Shabbat shalom, y’all!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish …


By Martin Bodek
Hi! Everybody in the universe “chapped” last week’s cufflinks of the NY Giants logo, which obviously symbolized the giants that the meraglim reported about to Klal Yisroel. Way too easy. I see what the problem is: too many layups, and not enough puns.
So let’s remedy that: It’s time to play Press Your Link! What on earth could these have to do with this week’s parsha? Whoops, I think I just gave it away. Ahahaha, see what I did there? Revealing the answer is a bitter pill to swallow. Ba-dum, tsh! Man …


Hi! I’ve been accused of offering up too many layups. Maybe I watched Nikola Jokic too much. So let’s make this a little more challenging after EVERYONE got last week’s menorahs exactly right.
So let’s play Press Your Link! We’ll try a different sport, and it shouldn’t be a problem to tie these into the parsha. I mean, you’ll likely figure out what They Might Be. Ah har har har, ba-dum, tsh!
Shabbat shalom, everybody!

 For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cufflinks themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate …


Good news! I’m fresh out of puns after last week’s barrage. This makes certain people who have a fear of dad jokes (I’m coining a new word: pateriocuphobia) very happy. I mean, come on, this is just how eyeroll. Ah har har har.
Speaking of coins, it’s time to play Link of Fortune! Tie these in to this week’s parsha and have a Shabbat shalom!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience …


Chag sameach! We won’t be leining a specific parsha this week, but the show must go on, amirite? I’ve got the layup of layups for you, and you deserve it for playing so hard and engaging with me through the parsha calendar. Besides, you’ll be so exhausted from staying up all night, that you’ve earned the mental break. Enjoy the chag, the learning and your families and friends, and we’ll be back at the parsha next week!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate …

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