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September 16, 2024
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Search Results for: martin bodek – Page 9

Speak Out Against Hamas

I ask the mayors and other politicians to speak out against Hamas. I have my children, grandchildren, nephew and cousins living in Israel. Silence is

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Parshat Vayishlach

… events with these cufflinks, and there are many events and set pieces in this week’s parsha. See if you’re a cut above the rest—har har har. As you can see, I like puns. You are hereby forewarned. There will be many.
Shabbat shalom, everybody!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the “cuff links” and you tell …

The Parsha Cuff Link

… week’s column. Thanks for playing, and Shabbat Shalom, y’all!
For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the “cuff links” and you tell us how it ties into the parsha of the week. Email your guesses, educated and otherwise, to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best and most creative answers a week later. Have fun!

The Parsha Cuff-Link: Chayei Sarah

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed to the week’s parsha, to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the cuff links, and you tell us how it ties in to the parsha of the week. E-mail your guesses, educated and otherwise, to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best and most creative answers a week later. Have fun!
Last week’s Parsha Cuff-link was the laugh-cry …

The Parsha Cuff-Link

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cufflinks themed to the week’s parsha to stimulate conversation around the Shabbat table. Naturally, it begged for a wider audience, and The Jewish Link seems like a perfect home—especially in name. Every week, we’ll present the “cufflinks” and you tell us how it ties into the parsha of the week. Email your guesses, educated and otherwise, to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best and most creative answers a week later. Have fun!
Thanks for playing Parsha Lech Lecha last week! Several contestants correctly guessed that the …

Martin Bodek’s ‘Zaidy’s War’ Honors His Grandfather’s Memory

… This is my love song. This is my testimony and my everlasting tribute.
“When I stood beside Zaidy, I stood behind a giant. When I spoke with him, I did so with a colossus of righteousness and wisdom. I walked with him during his living years, and I walk with him still. Let the world learn—and never forget—the name, the life, the legacy of Benzion ben Reb Aharon Malik.”
“Zaidy’s War” by Martin Bodek is published by Amsterdam Publishers, the publishers of the most Holocaust memoirs to date. It can be purchased on Amazon.
By Pearl Markovitz

The Parsha Cuff Link: Lech Lecha

Hi everyone,
Thanks for jumping in so quickly on the first game! Four of you e-mailed the answer and you all got it right. Looks like you’re paying attention in school! Good for you!
Now on to this week. The game is still afoot! Round #3 of 55. What do these cuff links have to do with this week’s parsha? Send me your comments and thoughts on this cufflink connection at [email protected]. You’ll be graded Motzei Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom! Thanks for playing!

For years now, Martin Bodek has been wearing cuff links themed …

The Parsha Cuff-Link: Noach

… parsha of the week. Send in comments and thoughts about the picture and the parsha to Martin Bodek, the brain behind the cufflink connection, at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
For years now I’ve themed my cufflinks to the weekly parsha, as a way of stimulating conversation around our Shabbos table. Then I thought, why not bring it to the masses? Some people do ties, some folks do desserts, I do this. Let’s play! Send me your comments and thoughts on this cufflink connection at [email protected]. Shabbat Shalom!
By Martin Bodek

Shemini Atzeres: Culminating Yomim Noraim With Simcha

… the care and focus we should have in our Shemini Atzeres prayers, as they are the completion of all the prayers to Hashem during the Yomim Noraim. These prayers are the culmination; they bring all the other prayers along! It’s also the most propitious time to daven, since Hashem specifically wants to hear our prayers and requests on that day.
Halachic authorities question how, hundreds of years ago, the rabbis could choose Shemini Atzeres as the day on which to institute the dancing and hakafos celebrating Simchas Torah. Don’t we have a rule: “Ein m’arvin simcha …

14 Days

… As coaches, we find that after mile 22, your body stops making ATP, so you are not training your body to run past the 22 mile mark.
(So, you run 22 miles?)
Somewhere between 21 and 22 miles.
(Where do you run?)
So many choices. Years ago, I saw that Martin Bodek had walked the circumference of the entirety of Manhattan.
(How far was that?)
Martin “Bodie” Bodek did the whole 33 miles of it back in 2016.
(But that is too far for you, so…)
I ran most of the island. There are several problems that have to be …

Introducing ‘The Shakespeare Haggadah’

Reviewing: “The Shakespeare Haggadah: Elevate Your Seder with the Bard of Avon” by Martin Bodek. Wicked Son. 2022. English. Paperback. 200 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1637586228.
Martin Bodek loves Pesach. He enjoys the Seders, the food, and spending time with his family. He enjoys the holiday so much, in fact, that he actually created unique Haggadot for the Seders.
As Martin explained, he wanted to make the experience as accessible as possible so others can find the same joy in the Seders that he does. In the past he’s released three Haggadot: “The Emoji Haggadah,” “The Festivus Haggadah” and …

David Roher Thinks I’m Crazy

… he erroneously claimed that I had walked the race weeks after hip replacement surgery. Now I should point out that I’m a passionate fitness-minded gentleman, but I’m not clinically insane. I in fact did have my hip replacement surgery, but this was several days after the marathon. I am currently recovering nicely, with my new hip, and my old, good, fully functioning rational brains intact. I’ll see David again at the next marathon, and at several intervals in between, where most of the time, he’ll be wearing shorts, no matter the weather.
Martin Bodek

The 2021 NYC Marathon: Part 3

… “Feelin’ groovy”?
(It is part of the song title.)
Mile 15-18 is from 59th to 135th streets.
After exiting the bridge, I ran up 1st Avenue and now both sides of the streets were lined with spectators … and these people were nuts.
For blocks, the crowds were cheering “Iron man, Iron man!”
One very drunk guy yelled “It’s Tony (bleeping) Stark!”
All of this went on for two miles as I ran north.
Then, I heard something I had not heard since 10 o’clock … “DAVID!”
I look around. I had just run past Martin “Bodie” Bodek

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