(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky was invited to give the invocation at a session of the New Jersey general assembly. As the time of the invocation was prior to Chanukah, Rabbi Kanelsky’s speech included messages of Chanukah and the upcoming secular new year.
Regarding Chanukah, Rabbi Kanelsky spoke how the light of the menorah has and always will illuminate the world and the hearts of the citizens in these uncertain dark times.

He then suggested a small but powerful resolution for the new year. He proposed that all the honorable assembly people in the room take a moment each day to lift their eyes to God and say a prayer of thanks.
Rabbi Kanelsky concluded with the blessing of the Kohen:
“May God bless you; may God shine His countenance upon you and be gracious to you; may God shine His countenance toward you and grant you peace.” Amen.