March 16, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Remembering Rabbi Zlotowitz, z”l

The Jewish Link joins the rest of the Jewish world in our expression of condolences for Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, z”l, who passed away last Friday.

You may or may not have known his name. But say the name ArtScroll and there’s assuredly instant recognition. Rabbi Zlotowitz, in providing translations, transliterations, commentaries and an appealing design to our sacred texts, gave accessibility to Yiddishkeit to both religious families and those searching for more meaning in their Jewish spirituality.

ArtScroll also came along to nourish the hunger of the late 20th century’s emerging worldwide ba’al teshuvah movement. It was and still is often the publisher that kiruv organizations use to help introduce everything from Shabbos candle lighting prayers to daf yomi. Our homes, synagogues, schools, batei midrash, libraries—in short, our lives—are blessedly stocked by the very texts that Rabbi Zlotowitz provided. He was a student of the posek hador, Hagaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein, z”l, at Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem.

He leaves a beautiful legacy, because not only did we benefit and learn from Rabbi Zlotowitz’s work, but so, with Hashem’s help, will untold generations.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emet.

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