February 6, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

RKYHS Students Enrich the Omer With ‘Kushner Climb’

RKYHS students have reached new heights in their growth these last few weeks of the Omer participating in the Kushner Climb. For this school-wide initiative, in each of the weeks leading up to Shavuot, the school focused on a specific character trait and on corresponding acts to enrich their Jewish identities and deepen their commitment to Torah and mitzvot. RKYHS Yahadut and Yesodot classes also delved into these subjects each week in the classroom.

The program launched with a focus on gratitude to God and students were encouraged to focus on opportunities for thanking God, such as the recitation of brachot on food, saying “asher yatzar,” “bracha achrona,” etc. Students downloaded a tally counter app to keep track of all the times they say a bracha or show any hakarat hatov to God. They also enjoyed lunchtime treats from the RKYHS Jewish Life Committee which provided extra opportunities to say brachot.

Additional weekly concepts included the concept of kedusha and how to elevate mundane things in life to be kadosh (holy). Students were given examples of things to focus on such as exercising to take care of one’s body, and recognizing one’s own worth. Another concept introduced was kol yisrael aravim zeh l’zeh, that we are all united and need to look out for one another. Students learned the mitzvot of ben adam l’chavero, such as bikur cholim, hachnasat orchim etc. A poster was hung on the side of the library where students wrote down instances of when they were there for someone or someone was there for them that week—even for simple acts like helping with homework, or brightening someone’s day. As they went through the week they focused on acts towards family members and people outside of school. The theme for the final week was not saying lashon hara. Students learned about it in class and were encouraged to sign up for daily half-hour slots during which they would be especially careful not to speak lashon hara.

In addition to the weekly themes, RKYHS introduced other ways for students to “climb” during the month including lunch-n-learns and a Nach learning initiative. As a culmination of the program, the whole school learned sefer Mishlei during a siyum, which was followed by a chagiga by RKYHS faculty musicians and a celebratory party. RKYHS is so proud of what their students have achieved!

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