This past Shabbos, seventh grade boys enjoyed RPRY’s second annual seventh grade boys shabbaton in Passaic, a ruach- and fun-filled Shabbos with rebbeim, their families and friends. A first shabbaton experience for many, students were treated to delicious meals at the homes of Rabbi Ribalt and Rabbi Feit, enjoyed spending time with Rabbi Lapa, experienced davening and the flavor of the community at several shuls. They shared divrei Torah, learned in the beis medrash, visited the renowned Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic, sang zemiros together, and relaxed in a special Shabbos atmosphere with games and treats. Over Shabbos, students had the privilege to hear drashos from community rabbanim Rabbi Eliezer Krohn and Rabbi Dovid Hirsch and words of inspiration from three RPRY alumni: Rabbi Ben Pomper, Rabbi Jonathan Kessel and Ben Gerstman. Shabbos ended with a musical Havdala followed by a special melave malka featuring a bonfire and S’mores. The Shabbos was an opportunity for the students to bond with each other, come together as a grade and deepen their relationships with rebbeim. This unforgettable Shabbos is sure to be remembered for many years to come.