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September 17, 2024
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RYNJ MSB Introduces New Programs

The RYNJ middle school boys kicks off the year with new and exciting initiatives. With the Kiddush Hashem Warriors, a weekly story is shared to highlight the power and far-reaching impact of making a Kiddush Hashem (KH). As the term becomes part of the yeshiva’s daily vocabulary, the theme will be utilized to promote acts of KH wherever we are. Students will be celebrated for their part in meriting Hashem’s protection in Israel as the brave warriors, IDF chayalim, continue their efforts on the front lines. Another exciting program, Ha’Kriah v’HaKedusha, launched in an effort to strengthen the students’ kriah while increasing תפילות for חיילים and כלל ישראל. Students will be reciting ספר תהלים to a חברותא while their rebbeim monitor their growth in kriah. With customized, dated segments and spaces for them to write names of חיילים or חולים, the booklets can then be taken home for continued use during the summer. These two are among many other meaningful programs launching in the RYNJ MSB!

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