February 14, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Tenafly Chabad Academy Celebrates Read Across America

On Monday March 5, 2018, the students of TCA celebrated Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’s birthday. The festivities started with a Dr. Seuss inspired lunch, complete with fish sticks a’la “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish,” mashed potatoes and noodles, AKA Truffula leaves from the truffula trees (“The Lorax”), Dr. Seuss’s ABC Alphabet Soup, and more! Students in grades one through three wore Dr. Seuss character inspired T-shirts they created in art class with Morah Estyn Becker just for the occasion!

Lunch was followed by special guests going to the pre-k through third grade classes to read books. Rabbi Shain, Stacy Katzwer, Menahelet Orite Rubenstein, Jennifer Davis and Morah Sonya Solomon all read stories to various classes. The second graders were honored to have Chief Robert Chamberlain of the Tenafly Police Department as their special guest reader. This was followed by “Buddy up and Read” time—all students in grades four through eight were buddied up with children in pre-k through grade three. Walking the halls watching older children reading to younger buddies was absolutely the highlight of the day.

This amazing day ended with an assembly where the final class totals of the first school-wide read-a-thon as well as the top readers for each grade were announced. Every child received a special prize to acknowledge their commitment to reading. Kol hakavod!!

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