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October 18, 2024
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The World Is Standing for You

The Gemara in Sanhedrin 37a says, “The world was created for me (בשבילי נברא העולם).” Every morning when we wake up, we should recognize these words and realize that not only was it created for you, but Hashem allowed you to wake up because you are special, needed and important!

Shavuot is a time when Hashem shows Bnei Yisrael that they are needed and that the world was created for them. The Midrash teaches us that if Bnei Yisrael did not accept the Torah then the world would have gone back into a state of chaos, or the original state before creation. However, this is on a national scale.

In Parshat Bamidbar, we can see this on an individual scale. The world was created for me and you. Hashem tells every tribe to have a flag. What is this flag? This flag is based on the blessing Yaakov individually gave to each of his sons. He saw their uniqueness and wanted you to know that despite your different skills, each one is important and each one of you needs to wave your flag. Without you, the world can’t exist.

Even more so, Hashem tells Moshe to count Bnei Yisrael. Rashi finds this so strange. Why count Bnei Yisrael? Doesn’t Hashem know how many of them there are? Aren’t we not supposed to count people? Well, Rashi explains that we are counted to show that Hashem loves each one of us. We all matter. I want to go even further to say that Hashem is showing us that we aren’t just part of the Jewish nation. We have an individual purpose, which is why He chooses to have us in this world. May we all recognize that the world was created for us! May we feel Hashem’s love for us, and may he help us fulfill the purpose we have in the world!

Shira Sedek is a teacher at Ramaz Middle school who has a Masters in Jewish Education.

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